Sunday, August 3, 2014

Cannot read remote side has closed Thrift Cassandra C#

I was seeing this error ("Cannot read remote side has closed") while trying to get Thrift API to work with Cassandra using Csharp. For the life of me I couldn't figure out what was wrong as even though the error is saying something like "Hey I think your Thrift server is down". That was not the case because I was connecting to My Cassandra server using other client libraries that was using Thrift under the hood. Eventually I figured out the error, the offending line was transport.Open(); When I replaced it with cassandraClient.InputProtocol.Transport.Open(); The error went away.

Here is the full snippet,

            TSocket socket = null;

            TTransport transport = null;


            socket = new TSocket("localhost", 9160);



            transport = new TFramedTransport(socket);

            TProtocol protocol = new TBinaryProtocol(transport);

            CassandraClient cassandraClient = new CassandraClient(protocol);


            string s = cassandraClient.describe_cluster_name();

            List<ksdef> keyspaces = cassandraClient.describe_keyspaces();

Hope this will help another poor soul.